It also makes words from phrases (such as uncalled-for, c. It disputes with Latin-derived cognate in- (1) the right to form the negation of certain words ( indigestable/ undigestable, etc.), and though both might be deployed in cooperation to indicate shades of meaning ( unfamous/ infamous), typically they are not. to form compounds with native and imported words. It underwent a mass extinction in early Middle English, but emerged with renewed vigor 16c. The most prolific of English prefixes, freely and widely used in Old English, where it forms more than 1,000 compounds. He was hot and tired ( थका) and decided ( सोचा/निर्णय लेना) to stop and take a short nap ( झपकी लेना).Prefix of negation, Old English un-, from Proto-Germanic *un- (source also of Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old High German, German un-, Gothic un-, Dutch on-), from PIE *n- (source of Sanskrit a-, an- "not," Greek a-, an-, Old Irish an-, Latin in-), combining form of PIE root *ne- "not." Often euphemistic (such as untruth for "lie"). The rabbit got ( पहुंचना) to the halfway ( आधा रास्ता) point and could not see the turtle anywhere. As ( जैसे ही) the race began, the rabbit raced ( दौड़ना) way ahead of the turtle, just like ( जैसा) everyone thought. The fox was to be ( होना/बनना था) the umpire of the race.

The rabbit thought ( सोचा) this was a good joke ( मजाक) and accepted the challenge ( चुनौती). Much to the rabbit’s surprise, the turtle challenged ( चुनौती देना) him to a race. He was laughing at ( किसी पर हँसना) the turtle for being ( के कारण) so slow. One day a rabbit was boasting ( बड़ाई करना) about how fast he could run. Learn Spoken English through Story 🐰 The Rabbit and the Turtle 🐢 (With Hindi Word Meaning) Learn Spoken English through Story 🐰 The Rabbit and the Turtle 🐢 ( English Podcast) Suggested For You Moral: never underestimate the weakest opponent.
He could not see the turtle anywhere! He went at full speed to the finish line but found the turtle there waiting for him. However, the rabbit slept longer than he had thought and woke up. He never quit no matter how hot or tired he got.

All this time the turtle kept walking step by step by step. Even if the turtle passed him, he would be able to race to the finish line ahead of him. He was hot and tired and decided to stop and take a short nap. The rabbit got to the halfway point and could not see the turtle anywhere.

As the race began, the rabbit raced way ahead of the turtle, just like everyone thought. The fox was to be the umpire of the race. The rabbit thought this was a good joke and accepted the challenge. Much to the rabbit’s surprise, the turtle challenged him to a race. He was laughing at the turtle for being so slow. One day a rabbit was boasting about how fast he could run.

Firstly you have to go through this short story, Secondly you will find Podcast of the story and at Last you will find story with some important meanings in Hindi. You have tried many ways to improve your spoken English skills still you stuck while speaking English. On the basis of my experience I can assure this is the finest and easy way to learn spoken English. Hello Students, Today I have thought to reveal you a secret to learn spoken English.